Soundtrack experience: concerto al Pantheon di Roma l'8 giugno Soundtrack experience: concerto al Pantheon di Roma l'8 giugno

On Saturday 8 June, at 9pm, the concert was held at the Pantheon Pantheon Rome, a soundtrack experience. From tourist to pilgrim, towards the Jubilee,which waspromoted by the Chapter of the Canons of Santa Maria ad Martyres and by the Archpriest Rector , Monsignor Daniele Micheletti in collaboration with D’Uva.

big free event as part of the welcoming project “From tourist to pilgrim” which D’Uva manages for the Chapter and which represents a ‘precursor’ moment of the activities for the Jubilee which will take place starting next autumn and then throughout 2025.

The event resumed the story of the audio guide  produced for  the Pantheon in Rome, which, since last October, offers the surprising experience of a theatrical narrative journey accompanied by a special soundtrack by the musician Antonio Fresa, produced by D’Uva b> with Record Sticker, aimed at bringing the tourist who enters the Pantheon closer to his pilgrim dimension.

It was a unique and evocative event, which attracted many people and which was made even more extraordinary by the performance of theTheater Orchestra La Fenicewho performed the music composed l’ audiotour, with maestro Antonio Fresa on the piano.


Pantheon Roma, a soundtrack experience. Da turista a pellegrino, verso il Giubileo